01. Virtual Learning Leader Schedule
This template provides a sample schedule outlining a virtual day in the life of a school leader. It can be easily edited to meet your individual needs.
“When I first transitioned to virtual learning, I felt overwhelmed...Dr. Gunn shared this template to support outlining my daily and weekly schedule with timestamps...I was able to feel more at ease and hold myself accountable...My principal shared my schedule as a model for other leaders...Creating my virtual schedule allowed myself and my teachers to blossom throughout our 7 weeks of virtual learning.”
Rebecca Graham, Assistant Principal Kindezi Old Fourth Ward, Atlanta, GA
02. Virtual Learning Teacher Schedule
This template provides a sample schedule outlining a virtual day in the life of a teacher. It can be easily edited to meet your individual needs.

“Dr. Gunn’s sample schedule provided a great structure for my teachers to help with planning and keeping school balanced during this pandemic. I am so grateful for her sharing her expertise around ‘what’s best for students’ as we started our ‘new normal’. “
Kimberly Scruggs, Assistant Principal at Kindezi Old Fourth Ward, Atlanta, GA
03. Virtual Learning Student Schedule
This template provides a sample schedule outlining a balanced virtual day for students. It considers the academic, physical, and socio-emotional needs of students while also creating a space for intellectual curiosity and creativity. It can be easily edited to meet your individual needs.